The Conservancy: What We DoTo Protect Public Lands and Waters
The Public Lands Conservancy is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and appropriately managing public lands. This is accomplished by educating the American public about the value of public-owned lands administered by local, state and federal governments. The Conservancy inspires the public about the intrinsic value of these lands, their ecosystems services benefit (such as providing clean water and carbon sequestration), and educates the public about how public lands elevate the quality of life. The Conservancy provides input, testimony, and comments to agencies with the intent to inform policy and planning efforts affecting public lands.
The Conservancy uses lectures, written information, expert opinion, social media, and websites to raise awareness, increase knowledge, and advocate for the preservation and appropriate use of public lands. When needed, the PLC conducts scientific inquiries, resource protection activities, and educational efforts to increase knowledge and protection of public lands.
The Conservancy educates the public on the value of public lands to combat climate change effects. Scientists have provided scientific research to indicate there will be major economic, social and political effects from a warming climate. Through various media methods, education programs are conducted informing the public about public lands use as refugia for special status species and as adaptation areas used to minimize overall adverse climatic impacts.
The Consevancy may coordinate efforts internationally. Many conservation activities, such as protecting migratory birds and critical habitat, require coordination across international boundaries. Working with national parks, forest reserves areas, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas, awareness of the importance of public lands will be created. The Conservancy may sponsor international efforts to protect and administer public lands.
The Public Lands Conservancy (PLC) is a non-profit corporation and shall operate exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. The PLC is governed by a Board of Directors. The PLC works with other nonprofit organizations (501(c)(3) and government agencies focused on public lands preservation and recreational use. This maximizes positive outcomes and creates collaborative efforts nationwide.